
4 Non-Prescription Allergy Remedies

4 Non-Prescription Allergy Remedies

If you suffer from seasonal allergies,  non-prescription allergy remedies can help keep symptoms under control. Allergies can make your life miserable if not treated, just like a lowered immune system. This guide looks at non-prescription remedies....

Can Allergies Mimic COVID-19?

Can Allergies Mimic COVID-19?

When COVID knocked, the worry that many had was identifying if its allergy symptoms or something else. It was more worrying when you felt the symptoms of other seasonal allergies that seemed like COVID symptoms. Most COVID symptoms are entirely...

Dealing with Seasonal Allergies This Fall

Dealing with Seasonal Allergies This Fall

When you think about seasonal allergies, the first season to come to mind is probably summer. The high pollen counts and the likelihood of bug bites certainly make summer allergies formidable. However, autumn can be just as bad, if not worse. The...

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