Family Healthcare

3 Reasons to Get Your Annual Flu Shot  

3 Reasons to Get Your Annual Flu Shot  

The influenza virus (most commonly known as the flu) is a virus that is not only highly contagious but can lead to other health complications and even death if not treated. There are misconceptions about getting an annual flu shot. Learn more about...

5 Common Winter Illnesses & Their Symptoms

5 Common Winter Illnesses & Their Symptoms

Winter has arrived, and with it comes cold and flu season. You do your best to keep yourself and your family healthy, but despite your best efforts, you may still find yourself ill. Common Winter Illnesses It's important to keep well during the...

A Basic Guide to Understanding Hepatitis C

A Basic Guide to Understanding Hepatitis C

Hepatitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the liver, most commonly caused by a virus. The virus invades the cells in the liver and causes swelling, fibrosis and overall dysfunction. Anyone who has this disease, even without symptoms, can...

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