Family Healthcare

The Inherent Value of Patient Education

The Inherent Value of Patient Education

Medical terminology has a way of making even common ailments sound terrifying. For example, “contagious viral upper respiratory tract infection” sounds far more serious than “a cold.” It’s up to the physician to explain things in a way that is easy...

10 Tips For a Weight Loss Plan That Works

10 Tips For a Weight Loss Plan That Works

Most people know that the biggest factors in weight loss are diet and exercise, but those words have a lot of negative connotations. By reframing the way you think about these things, you can develop a more positive outlook on health. It doesn’t...

Wound Management: When to See a Doctor

Wound Management: When to See a Doctor

Most of us will deal with many small cuts or scrapes in our life. These minor injuries are treated with topical disinfectant and a bandage. But serious wounds may require a visit to the doctor. Wounds are more easily infected by germs and bacteria...

3 Health Goals to Set for 2018

3 Health Goals to Set for 2018

Another year has come with another chance to start anew.  It’s easy to get caught up in the rush to make resolutions, but they’re often not realistic and are cast aside before the end of January.  We all strive to be happier and healthier, but that...

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