
When Should You Not Get A Flu Shot?
As we navigate the challenges of flu season, understanding the ins and outs of flu shots is crucial. Part of those ins and outs is knowing when you shouldn't get a flu shot. In this comprehensive blog post, we delve into the importance of flu shots and address a...

3 Ways to Prepare for the New Year
The beginning of a new year is upon us! While we may not know what 2023 will hold, PHC is committed to being your trusted source for health services. Our team is excited about the new possibilities and opportunities the new year will bring, especially to help you...

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year at PHC!
It's the hap-happiest season of all! 2022 has zipped along to the end in the blink of an eye. This is the time of year we pause and reflect on everything we’ve discussed on our blog. Whether you’re a new or returning client, this is a great way for you to learn more...

What is Osteoporosis?
You’ve probably heard about osteoporosis and wondered, “What is osteoporosis?” As the name suggests, this disease refers to porous bone. The condition weakens bones, increasing the risk of sudden and unexpected bone fractures. Unfortunately, this disease can progress...

What We’re Thankful For This Season
As we enter the holiday season, we can’t help but think about all the good things that have happened over the past year. From new services to your continual support, our loyal clients, PHC has a lot to be thankful for! Join us as we reminisce and highlight the...

How to Help Your Child Deal With Anxiety
The effects of anxiety attacks can be detrimental to every person's health, but this is even more true when it comes to children. While an occasional feeling of stress is normal, excessive anxiety causes experience excessive fear, terror, and panic. Anxiety can...

What is Hypertension?
If you have a family member suffering from high blood pressure, you might wonder, what is hypertension? Hypertension affects people of all ages and is most common among older adults. It happens when the force of the blood against the artery is too high. This can be...